A Writer’s Heart Blog

  • Our Stories Change Us
    Do you love to tell stories? Do friends say you ought to write a book? Do you take them seriously? Whether or not you aim for publication, telling your stories is a great way to learn about who you are, how you’ve lived your life, and what you’d like to change. For years I’ve taught a course on Writing for …
  • Are You Looking for a Writer’s Group?
    One of the basic rules of writing seems self evident. Don’t confuse your reader. But how do you know if your writing is clear?  Your characters relatable?  The pace fast enough to hold a reader’s attention?  How do we identify  personal writing quirks that drag down our sentences? Like using very, almost, began to, kind of, a bit, just, in …
  • Where Does the Creative Self Live?
    The inner world is endless and infinite.  Pregnant with knowledge, it waits for us to turn our attention around so the birth of new ideas, new songs, and new stories can emerge into our everyday world . The earliest depiction of the infinity concept comes from Ancient Egypt in the form of the Ouroboros—the image of a serpent or dragon …
  • Sharing Love
    The ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew a lot about the human heart. They saw it as the seat of empathy and love, and the place to go when the intellect got stuck.  Modern science now confirms these intuitive beliefs about the physical heart as a source of inner guidance and even intelligence. The physical heart is an information processing center, …
  • Debut Novel by a Talented Storyteller
    My friend, Gency Brown, recently published her first novel, A Right Fine Life. I attended her book launch party at one of our locally owned bookstores, Books on the Bosque, an excellent store that welcomes author events. The book is a contemporary saga of a young man who dreams of becoming a country western recording artist and the challenges he …
  • 2024! Here We Come, Ready or Not
    A new year is exciting, scary, full of promise, hope, and maybe trepidation. A time to look back on how we did last year. For remembering the goals we reached. For forgiving ourselves for those we didn’t. For being thankful for family, friends, lessons learned, doing good work, taking risks. For making it through. I gave up on making new …

All content copyright © 2023 by Carol Holland March. All rights reserved.